A Corpus Based Vocabulary Analysis of Intermediate Book 1 used in the College of Punjab
Lexical profiling, Book One, Vocabulary items, Punjab textbook Board, AWL, GSLAbstract
This study is a corpus-based lexical analysis English Book-I (PTBB) used at the intermediate level in all the colleges of Punjab. It purports to explore academic words in text coverage and frequency distribution of those words. For conducting this study LexTutor (Vocabulary Profiler Software) is adopted to meet the objectives of the study. The findings of the study reflected that the AWL word families constitute only a small coverage (5.62%) of the lexemes used in the entire book. The analysis shows that many words in the textbook occur occasionally; hence, it would not be possible for the students to retain that vocabulary items to be used in their future linguistic repertoire. It also demonstrated that there is great variation in the number and selection of words across the book including that there do not seem to be a common thought behind word selection in textbooks. The result suggests that the number of academic word types must be increased to provide more favourable opportunities and a high degree of occurrence. The results also suggested to the core curriculum committee to revise the book thoroughly.
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