Reduplication in Urdu language


  • Sana Nazir Ahmad Mihnaj University


Urdu reduplication, Full reduplicate word, Semantic senses, Properties of semantic meanings, Urdu dialect, Inferred implication of words, Urdu online courses


The purpose of this research paper is to explore the different semantic senses and analyses in the Urdu dialect. The research depends on the full reduplicate words of Urdu Corpus. In the light of reduplication, it is assumed that the semantic properties of the Urdu dialect might be summed up into a set of universal semantic properties inside which all the reduplicative capacities in any given dialect might be arranged. Reduplicated words are partitioned into ten sorts as indicated by their semantic characteristics. The semantic elements of reduplication are talked about the classifications of inferred implications of meaning, for example, “Poetry and Idiomatic sense, Sense of Intensification", "Repetition sense", “Sense of Augmentation" and "Sense of Pularity". The main aim of the researcher is to investigate these semantic senses and clarifies the connections among them from Urdu Online Corpus. In the primary stage, the identification of semantic reduplication has been done at the general expression level and in the second stage; their structural and semantics groupings are examined with tagging. The data were analysed in the qualitative and descriptive nature and the tool which is used for this research that is SALTA/POS Tagger. The corpus information broke down with labelling/ tagging the numbers. Around one thousand fifteen hundred words were found with major semantic senses. In the Urdu Language, the researcher found total of ten senses which were derived from the corpus in which Diminution or Attenuation is not used in full words of reduplication because it is specific for Partial reduplication. Semantically, the group of words are shed light on the senses of reduplication and its effect on the language. The semantic sense functions of reduplication words with tagging taken as an objective of the research. The researcher attempted to clarify what kinds of meanings that can be produced by reduplication, and by comparing the meaning of the reduplicated word with its root. For this purpose, this study explored the various semantic properties in the Urdu language which is gotten from the Online Urdu Dictionary (OUD) corpus.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, S. N. (2020). Reduplication in Urdu language. Competitive Linguistic Research Journal, 1(1), 55–76. Retrieved from