
Competitive Linguistic Research Journal (CLRJ) is a pioneer journal operated by INSTITUTE OF COLLABORATIVE LEARNING (ICL). The journal provides a forum to bright young researchers who aim to improve the world with their ideas and want to be a part of national and international scholarship. The scope of the journal covers all aspects of linguistic theory and research. We publish scholarly essays, reviews, critiques, theoretical and conceptual articles as well as original research articles to advance understanding of the issues, problems, and research. The journal encompasses astute explorations of new linguistic ideas emerging globally and the potential of the linguistic practices in vogue. The journal focuses on publishing articles whose primary purpose is to report the methods and results of empirical studies that provide sound and clear theoretical insights with practical implications for education as a discipline. The journal is primarily concerned with publishing research to national and international relevance on all aspects of linguistics. In addition to original articles, the journal seeks to publish reviews of the books published recently. In addition to the papers from theoretical and applied linguistics, the journal encourages researchers to connect with linguistics, even exploring any literary genre. The journal is open to publishing papers that include applying theories and philosophical perspectives beyond the western standpoints to add to the local scholarship. The journal aims at providing a valuable platform for multidisciplinary applied research in various linguistic areas: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse, second language learning, CALL and sociolinguistics. Consistent themes in the journal warrant language application to view the social realities about disenfranchised language groups, linguistic diversity, power and resistance, bilingualism/multilingualism, xenophobia, public health, politics, language education, new media, and so on.